Showing War Medals
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M17 Prisons Gold Medal. Medal Gold. SOLD
M21A SA Prisons Dept. Medal for Merit SOLD
M22 SADF General Service Medal. General Service / Algemene Diens
M23 SAPS Gold Medal for Outstanding Service South African Police Service
M23A Namibia DANCON-UNTAG Medal
M24 Zimbabwe Long Service Medal P. Maponga SOLD
M26 Rhodesia Legion of Merit Officer Class, Military
M27 CST H. Mhandu
M29 Unitas Medal
M31 SAPS 40 year Loyal Service Medal SOLD
M34 Zimbabwe Long and Exemplary Service Medal
M35 Zimbabwe Independence Medal SOLD
M36 SWA Police Star for Excellence
M37 SWA Police Star for Distiguished Service SOLD
M38 Botswana Distinguished Service Medal Botswana Defence Force
M39 Italy/Ethiopia Medal Africa Orientale
M40 1914-15 Star SERJT MBWANA 1 KAR (Kings African Rifles) SOLD
M41 1914-15 Star PTE CHILOLE 1 KAR (Kings African Rifles) SOLD
M45 Malawi Long Service and Good Conduct Medal SOLD
M50 SWA Police Inception Medal South West Africa SOLD
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