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RM307 SAPS Silver Medal for Outstanding Service
RM308 SAPS World Cup Medal Miniature Ribbon SOLD
RM309A SAPS Silver Cross For Bravery medal ribbon
RM312 SAPS Centenary Medal 1913-2013
RM352 SANDF Long Service Miniature Medal Ribbon.
RM354 Miniature Operational Medal for SA SANDF
RM355A Nkwe Ya Gauta South African (gold)
RM356 Nkwe Medal Operational Service SOLD
RM398 APLA Bronze Service Medal 10 years
RM510 Venda Defence Force Gold Medal for Long Service SOLD
RM511 SA Venda Police Combating Terrorism
RM514 General Service Medal Miniature medal SOLD
RM521 Qwa Qwa Police Establishment Medal
RM523 Qwa Qwa Police Medal for Merit SOLD
RM524 Kwandebele Police Long service Medal SOLD
RM525 Kwandebele Police Long service Medal 30 years SOLD
RM530 Bophuthatswana Police Independence SOLD
RM532 Kwandebele Police Long Service Medal 10 years SOLD
RM533 Defence Force Commendation medal SOLD
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© Colin R Owen 2004 - 2005 .:. HawksPoint