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RM96A OBE Military Miniature Ribbon
RM97 Coronation Medal 1953 Miniature Ribbon
RM98 Military Cross Miniature Ribbon
RM98C Empire Gallantry Medal(Military 1937) Ribbon
RM99 Efficiency Medal(South Africa) Miniature Ribbon
RM100 DSO Distinguished Service Order Miniature Ribbon
RM101 PF Empire Beyond the Seas LS and GC Medal
RM111 Union of South Africa Meritorious service medal
RM151 SWA Police Establishment Medal Ribbon Miniature
RM153 SWA Police Merit Medal Ribbon Miniature
RM156 SWA Police 20 Years
RM157 SWA Police 10 year
RM211 Liberation Medal Zimbabwe Miniature ribbon
RM212 Army Long Exemplary Service Zimbabwe
RM213 Air Force Long Exemplary service medal
RM225 RSA Civil Protection Medal for Bravery Miniature
RM226 Civil Defence Medal for Meritorious Service
RM301A SAPS 10 Year Service
RM304 SAPS(SA Police) 40 Year Loyal Service Medal
RM305 SAPS Commendation Medal Ribbon Miniature Police
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