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RM50 South African Medal for Korea Miniature Ribbon
RM54 Southern Cross Decoration Miniature Ribbon SOLD
RM55 Southern Cross Medal (1986) Miniature Ribbon.
RM56 Southern Cross Medal(1952) Ribbon
RM60 SAP Medal for Faithful Service Ribbon
RM61 SAP Star for Faithful Service Ribbon
RM63 SAP Star for Merit Miniature Ribbon
RM65 SAP 75th Anniversary Medal Ribbon
RM66 SAP Medal for Combating Terrorism SOLD
RM79 South African Medal for War Service Ribbon
RM80 Africa Star Miniature Ribbon
RM81 War Medal 1939-45 SOLD
RM82 1939-45 Star Ribbon SOLD
RM83 Africa Service Medal Ribbon SOLD
RM84 France and Germany Star
RM85 Italy Star Miniature Ribbon
RM90 United Nations Korea Medal Miniature Ribbon
RM90 United Nations UNTAG Medal
RM94 SA PF Long Service and Good Conduct Medal Ribbon Miniature
RM95 Air Force Cross Miniature Ribbon
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