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R602 Bophuthatswana Police Outstanding Leadership
R603 Bophuthatswana Army 30 Years Service
R604 General Service Medal Bophuthatswana
R650 KwaNdebele Establishment Medal
R651 KwaNdebele Police Faithful Service 10 Year Medal SOLD
R670 Qwaqwa Police Establishment Medal SOLD
R690 Kangwane Police Medal Ribbon SOLD
R701 Botswana Distinguished Service Medal Ribbon
R800 US Bronze Star Ribbon
R801 US Air Medal Ribbon
R850 Central Africa Medal
R851 Royal Red Cross
R852 Air Efficiency Award
R853 Royal Fleet Reserve Long Service and good conduct
R854 India Service Medal
R855 Royal NZ Naval Reserve Decoration
R856 Bagur and Palamos medal ribbon
R856 Bagur and Palamos medal
R857 Ashanti medal
R858 Corps of Commissionaires medal SOLD
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